What is the Nature Data Catalog?


The “Github for Nature” Data Catalog mobilizes public and private sector action towards the Global Biodiversity Framework objectives. Starting with the LEAP approach, developed by the TNFD (Task Force for Nature Related Financial Disclosures, the catalog will to accelerate organizations to take greater responsibility for the nature-impact of their operations by minimizing redundancies, inefficiencies, and general confusion around locating and keeping abreast of relevant datasets. This helps to ensure disclosures and reporting activities are based upon the best possible data sources custom fit for purpose. This helps to avoid greenwashing that can erode public trust.

Design Principles

The project adds value for consumers of data by providing benefits across datasets and models including normalization, standardization, aggregation, metadata, and community curation.

Consumers & Providers

Consumers and providers would register to list their entities and understand one another better.

Data Sources

Data from both public and private sources can be listed in the catalog with regular updates. Private data providers can finally be able to meaningfully contribute to close data gaps. Furthermore, innovations regarding data incentives, shared

Data Catalog

Added Value

The project adds value through a number of benefits across datasets and models including normalization, standardization, aggregation, metadata, community curation. These higher order functions allow for quality metrics, data lineage, usage trends, data gaps and more to be shared among numerous stakeholders


The project is initially governed by a steering committee and biodiversity working groups, the MRV Collective is the initial chair. Over time this may evolve through progressive decentralization.

Perpetual Trust

The entire project is envisioned to be self sustaining and shall be entrusted to a perpetual trust with most active steering committee members invited to become trustees.


Close alignment with disclosure and reporting frameworks including TNFD, SBTN, and GRI GSSB 304. Datasets can be leveraged to support numerous frameworks amplifying impacts for both consumers and providers.

Last updated